lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

El díia de la Marmota

Con el cambio de trabajo parece que no puedo colgar videos de youtube, así que toca ussar la imaginación. Tampoco vendrá mal. Además, de no usarla se atrofia.
Para quien no lo sepa hoy es el día de la marmota!!!
Así que cerrad los ojos y al abrirlos imaginad que escucháis los primeros compases de la canción de "I got you babe" mientras dos locutores radiofónicos cargados de alegría y optimismo dicen lo siguiente:

First D.J.: Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.
Second D.J.: It's coooold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?
First D.J.: Not hardly. And you know, you can expect hazardous travel later today with that, you know, that, uh, that blizzard thing.
Second D.J.: [mockingly] That blizzard - thing. That blizzard - thing. Oh, well, here's the report! The National Weather Service is calling for a "big blizzard thing!"
First D.J.: Yessss, they are. But you know, there's another reason why today is especially exciting.
Second D.J.: Especially cold!
First D.J.: Especially cold, okay, but the big question on everybody's lips...
Second D.J.: - On their chapped lips...
First D.J.: - On their chapped lips, right: Do ya think Phil is gonna come out and see his shadow?
Second D.J.: Punxsutawney Phil!
First D.J.: Thats right, woodchuck-chuckers - it's [in unison]

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